SQL Data Exploration

In this project, I have conducted Data Exploration using SQL. After that,I will visualise the data for our next project using Tableau. For the completion of this Data Analyst Portfolio Project, I used the covid-19 death data set to demonstrate the death rate in various locations. I also attempted to demonstrate several sql queries for determining the number of vaccinated individuals and their country of origin. This link file contains all of the SQL queries and their corresponding outputs. As this is my first SQL project, I have attempted to complete the task to the best of my ability. However, due to a lack of experience and knowledge of more complex SQL commands, I am unable to sort all the data. However, I am learning and attempting to improve my use of more sophisticated SQL commands. ThankYou

Data Cleaning in SQL

In this project, I have conducted cleaning data in SQL Nashville Housing Data for Data Cleaning as part of this Data Analyst Portfolio Project. Data Cleaning is an extremely undervalued skill in the Data Analyst community, therefore I'm hoping that this can help me get started on the path to mastering it. Standardized Date Format, Populated Property Address Data, Separated Address into Individual Columns (Address, City, State), Removed Duplicates, and Deleted Unused Columns for this project. Throughout this process, I've learned a great deal and resolved the majority of issues by searching on Google and YouTube.